Daily Archives: August 31, 2011

PCGS Blue Lions are 1st Runner-Ups at 16-under & 14-Under

PHILIPPINE Christian Gospel School (PCGS) saw its 16-under and 14-under teams shooting up in the standings, earning playoff slots for having the best quotient in similar triple-tie. In their first trip to The Finals in the BTC Cup, both teams finished 1st Runner-Up in their respective age categories.

The 16-under PCGS Blue Lions are shown above with the Dimsum Break BTC store manager and coach Jason Velez’s parent assistant,  from left: Myko Miguel Alvarez, Aldred Emmanuel Du and Jayzon Christian Sy. Not in photo is their skipper is Jean Ray Tejam.

The 14-under PCGS Blue Lions are shown above with their sibling assistant coach, from left: Anthony James Limchesing, Karl Greyson Le, Dustin Philip Yao and Brent Isaac Sy.